“We’re a volunteer organization that likes cars” – member statement at January 2024 meeting of the KAARC
The KAARC is proud of our contributions to students.
As car enthusiasts, the members of our club have a special concern for fostering interest in the automotive industry, its history, and its future. We have two primary fundraisers during the year; the KAARC Winter Swap Meet, and the Red Barns Spectacular. The proceeds of these fundraisers help support Garage Works (a program run by the Gilmore Car Museum to mentor students interested in automotive trades) and the Tool Box Program (an initiative by the KAARC to purchase tools and support scholarships for students going into automotive trades,) as well as to fund scholarships to automotive students at
As part of our student outreach, we offer community service hours to all high-school age student volunteers. This is a minimum of a 4 hour commitment, with a maximum of 20 hours per event weekend.